This is a website dedicated to a worldwide push to nominate the actors Tom McKay and Luke Dale for Knighthood in the United Kingdom for worldwide excellence in the arts and entertainment.
Yes, if Warhorse Studios or Tom or Luke or Sxybiscuit ask me to take this website down I will. I'm not trying to cause problems. I'm just a young peasant with a dream.
Yes, of course, they did an amazing job acting in the 2018 video game Kingdom Come Deliverance. And yes, the new video game Kingdom Come Deliverance II comes out on February 4th, 2025. Yes, I beat the first game. One of the best games IMO. Yes, I also finished the DLCs.
I went to the official UK government website for Knighthood https://www.gov.uk/honours and started filling out the appropriate online forms to nominate them myself but the UK government and their pesky rules wouldn't allow me for two reasons: I don't have their contact information and I am not a UK citizen.
Looking back in my geneology, it appears my UK citizenship was revoked on July 4th, 1776 after a rebellion of some sort. I found a newspaper clipping about it. -It appears the UK Government is still upset about it. Unfortunately, it appears the rumours about me are true. I'm am--- an American. Even worse... I am--- a Floridian. My sincerest apologies.
In my research, I wrote down a lot of notes going through the official UK website. One of the rules for Knighthood nomination is you're not supposed to tell the nominees they are being nominated. So, for the love of God- Don't Tell Them! -So Tom and Luke need to say "No, sorry. I haven't heard anything about it." and "No I haven't been on the website." -which should be pretty easy for them.
If a UK citizen gets the appropriate information and submits an online form for nomination- the worst that could happen is the UK government just ignores it or says "No", or maybe even- "Piss off." Why not try? I mean why not offically, really try?
Go to the website mentioned above to start the online process.
There is no filing fee to nominate a UK citizen for UK Knighthood.
Documents and information one should have at the ready before going on the website and beginning the official process:
-Contact and biographical information for the nominee. (I'm guessing date of birth, home address, phone number, email, agent info)
-Write a detailed description of the nominee's achievements and how they made a difference.
-Include evidence of the nominee's achievements, such as newspaper clippings, letters or photos.
-Provide two or more supporting letters from people who know the nominee well.
-Include your (UK Citizen's) contact details.
-Other helpful information to include are award and volunteer efforts, description of obstacles the nominee has overcome, how they have gone the extra mile in their field.
For a serious push at this- it would probably be a good idea to consult a UK attorney who has experience with applications of Knighthood. (perhaps a retired UK attorney with work experience as Queen's Counsel would be ideal). -They can tell us what a proper application and document dump would look like. Having all of this planned out ahead of time and reviewed by the right kind of attorney before submitting the application will make it look like a proper request and not the request of a simple peasant. My understanding is the new King Charles III (long may he reign) is the final arbiter of Knighthood in the UK.
The email address to send documents for Knighthood nomination is: honours@cabinetoffice.gov.uk don't forget the "u"
The official mailing address to mail documents for Knighthood nomination is:
Honours and Appointments Secretariat
Cabinet Office Room G39
1 Horse Guards Road
London, SW1A 2HQ
Why am I doing this? The UK government needs to understand the video game industry is a yearly £148,000,000,000 worldwide industry. Understand that video games and computer games are an entertainment medium for a new generation of UK citizens. Undderstand that this new young generation is spending less time on traditional forms of art (books, plays and cinema) in favour of experiencing new stories in a well-written, powerfully emotional computer role playing game.
An argument for- Why is this important? There are about 3,000 people currently alive who have been granted Knighthood in the United Kingdom. 96 people were granted knighthood in 2023. Look at the list of appointed knights. Many of them are Members of Parliament. From an outsider, it appears people close to the Royal Family, the government, from the right families, known to each other- met at the proper posh schools as children, are nominated by their wealthy friends for Knighthood. An inner cirle of wealth, adulity and self-agrandizing. Another way to feel important amongst one's powerful friends in a lonely world.
Is a Knighthood important? It is a high honor bestowed by an important government. Is a Nobel important? Is an Oscar important? Is a BAFTA important? Is a Tony important? I say these things are important and meaningful.
I argue the gaming industry needs this. We need a win. Knighthood for these two deserving gentlemen will clue to many around the world that the role playing game is a serious form of art expression. This kind of win will create ripple effects, bringing new honour and prestige to the industry, new investors willing to fund more games at more upstart young studios, more investors willing to take risks in the name of this new form of high art, more young and older talented voice and motion capture actors who will get a chance to tell new, amazing, beautiful stories.
The UK government should formally acknowledge with Knighthood, the profound effect these two young, handsome, intelligent, talented, morally firm British men have had on this new developing art form and in the lives of millions of adults both young and old in dozens of countries around the world. Their gifted expression is the highest example of how a British citizen uses his voice and faculty to create something new and beautiful for the wold to enjoy.
Computer role playing games are a new form of art. They are a new form of dreaming. A new form of invention. A new form of imagination. A new form of painting. A new form of drawing. A new form of laughter. A new form of sculpting. A new form of singing. A new form of running. A new form of wonder and love and hope for a happier, more amazing world. Regarding this request of UK Knighthood, the people in the chain that make these decisions, many of them are older without knowledge of computer role playing games, without knowledge of this new form of art. They may not understand what all of this is about, why this new art form is so dear to us, until someone shows them or they sit and play a game themselves.
A concerted PR push to this end in the UK would be a great starting point.
We wake up to a new world on February 4th. As the new game grows in popularity and public awareness, it will begin a new renaissance of story telling, of learning about our world and worlds beyond our station or understanding. A new gear of humanity starts on February 4th.
My name if JC Lester. I live in Florida. I'm not great on social media or creating websites. If you are good with GoDaddy website builders you can drop me an email and maybe help me make this site better- assuming it stays up. You can also find me on X @Lestergenetics. God be with you Henry.
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